Return Policy
Smiling Wisdom has a full 30 day return or replacement guarantee if you are not satisfied for any reason. Because there are humans making and packing the products, there is room for error. We apologize if this happens. Please reach out and let us know how we can correct a problem you may have.
The preferred method of contact is to send an email through AMAZON (Go to your order, select item ordered and send a message to the SELLER). This way I have the order number and can see the product. If you are missing a part, please reach out and we can correct this for you. You can always contact AMAZON CUSTOMER SERVICE for a replacement or refund, but they can not send you warts because the packages are complete and sealed in the warehouse. If you received a product fulfilled by AMAZON, we will not have your address so you will need to send the Order number and address to us. 95% of our products are fulfilled by Amazon. They are usually merchant fulfilled it the product is seasonal or temporarily out of inventory at the Amazon warehouse. You can submit an message through this site or info@smilingwisdom.com but we may not respond as quickly.