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What Makes the Best Leaders?

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The Best Leaders are Life Long Learners - The best leaders are tuned in to the fact that they don't know everything and are always looking at ways to improve and expand their skill set.

The Best Leaders Listen Intentionally - Great leaders listen intentionally, and listening is more about being present. Being present in a meeting but still checking your phone every 5 minutes isn't listening! Oops made that mistake before.

The Best Leaders have a Mentor - They ask who is where I want to be in 10-20 years and ask them to coffee, pick their brains and ask them how they got where they are.

The Best Leaders Live on the Solution-Side of life - Do you have a victim mentality or a solution mentality? Solution mentality realizes that there are challenges, issues and hardships but that it is our responsibility to ask the question "How can I make this better?"

The Best Leaders are Open to Being Wrong - These leaders don't have all the answers and they know that. Ever worked for someone that was "always right"? They usually have a group of yes men and women. But even for them it’s a short term relationship. Great leaders are humble (we talk a lot about this in our group) and willing to admit wrong or when they need help.

The Best Leaders are Emotional Healthy - Emotionally healthy people have a balance in their life. They know when to say yes and when to say no. They see purpose in life beyond possessions, pleasure or power. They often serve a great power than themselves and serve others.

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